finishing up a bag and more leaves

This is the view from the public library in Canton, North Carolina. Is it not pretty?
But not long after I took that picture, I notice the clouds in the sky.
And the weather moving in.
We woke up to rain this morning. There is snow in the forecast for Friday morning. It is in the 80's back at the house and where the Tall Short person is but I do not mind the weather here.
I spent the day finishing up a bag from our last trip. Both myself and my Beloved have noticed that our travel trailer does not have enough shopping bags. It is a task that I have decided to undertake while I have some time. Though maybe I should be considering working on a wool dress.... I do have wool with me, patterns, and a sewing machine.
It was a nice relaxing process.
I happen to love this fabric. I played with the pocket on this side. It is hard to see but it actually goes all the way across the bag. My Beloved asked that it be stitched in such a way that it was actually two. I made sure at least one pocket was big enough for my checkbook. That way it will have a home when the bag is full of groceries or other purchased items.
This is the side I worked on on the last trip. I finally took the time to put the pocket on it and put it all together. It will be a lovely addition to Aria, our travel trailer.
And here is a picture of the pond and Grist Mill from this afternoon. The temperature has dropped and those dark clouds mean more weather is coming in.
Now, if I can just figure out how to fix an elbow joint in a water line.... Did you know anything is possible in a dress, including plumbing?
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