
I like yogurt but it does not always like me. But I had a yogurt parfait at lunch recently and I did not crash that afternoon. It was a "aha!" moment. I have been crashing in the afternoon and having troubles finding what I really needed to eat. My naturopath was telling me it is an adrenal crash and I believe it but I still needed something. The yogurt and nice beasties worked. The thing is that if there is yogurt in the house my Beloved eats it and it starts getting very expensive. I do not like the least expensive yogurt on the shelf. I always seem to like the most expensive yogurt!
What is the answer? Make your own of course. But I normally do that in my oven with my oven light as a heat source for the beasties to grow and be happy to make my yogurt. My oven light went out during my Christmas baking and I needed to find an alternative.
I got on the internet and found out that YES! I could use my crockpot to make yogurt. This was very simple.
Whole milk
Heavy whipping cream
1/2 cup active yeasty beasties yogurt (same as bread, just different!)
My Beloved wanted me to try making yogurt with heavy whipping cream in it so I did.
Very every two cups of whole milk add 1 cup of heavy whipping cream to your crockpot. Fill the crockpot with this mixture until about 1 to 2 inches from the top. Cover. Turn on low for 2 1/2 hours.
After 2 1/2 hours, turn off and unplug your crockpot for 3 hours, never lifting the lid.
After 3 hours, put 1/2 cups of yogurt in a small bowl. Uncover the milk/cream mixture. Take two cups of the mixture out of the crockpot and whisk it into the yogurt. When well mixed, pour it back into the crockpot with the rest of the milk and stir well.
Cover. Wrap with a thick bath towel. Let sit for a minimum of eight hours. I let mine sit for closer to twenty.
Unwrap and you will have yogurt. It will be on the thinner side. If you wish thicker, line a colander with a clean towel. Pour the yogurt in. Cover with a plate and let drain for a couple hours or until it is the consistency you wish.
Yummy very smooth, very rich yogurt! Without breaking the grocery budget or running to the store every two days. I may need a larger refrigerator (smile). I may try it with hempmilk and probiotics for my Beloved. Hmmmmm.

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