and now back to our regularly schedule program (lefsa)

Yes, I am being silly.
I made a pot roast last Sunday and we had it with mashed potatoes. I decided I was going to make a few extra taters because I wished lefse. And what is lefse? It is a Norwegian potato flat bread. Think potato tortillas.
1 pound mashed potatoes
5 ounces (1 cup) flour
1 teaspoon salt
more flour for rolling
(please notice this are the same proportions as for gnocchi. why should I not be surprised?)
So the first thing is to make enough mashed potatoes. Notice all those peels? The potatoes need to be made with butter and cream just like you would server for dinner. Truly think leftovers! I, of course, have to plan leftover mashed taters.
Preheat your griddle over a medium low heat.
It is a good thing if you can use cold mashed potatoes because that way you will not burn your fingers. You are going to squish the flour and salt into the potatoes and make a smooth dough. It should feel like tortilla dough. Nice and smooth not sticky. You may need a bit more flour or a bit more water (just wet your hands) depending on the humidity around you.
Once you have a ball of dough, make twelve golf ball size balls of dough. This will make small breads. If you wish bigger breads, you need something more similar to a fist size. I grew up with the fist size ones but my griddle is not that large.
Put the raw round on the griddle. You are going to bake it for two or three minutes or until it has golden spots.
Flip and do the same to the other. Spread with butter and sprinkle with sugar or cinnamon sugar or spread with jam. These are yummy warm or cold!
This is actually part of our holiday traditions. And I admit that we need to do this one much more often then the holidays!

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