
I have lots of things to share from our long weekend. We did not do anything traditionally and I had the time to try recipes. I am so thankful for my family. But they both worked most of the weekend. I took myself off to the Homestead Fair in Waco for the day.
I have never been able to use a drop spindle. I just use a spinning wheel. But guess what? After a patient lady sat with me, I can do it! See!!!!!
I did that!!! I am so excited and now I can take spinning with me anywhere. The patient lady's twenty year old son made this spindle and I bought it at the fair. I took it to work with me and spun during lunch in the coffee bar. That means my heavily male dominant workmates asked all types of questions. Some knew what I was doing, others did not. This is a good lunch time activity for me. It helps lessen the stress of work and I am productive.
Big smiles! Now, can I get enough yarn spun for Christmas presents?

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