under the weather

I have been under the weather. It is due to allergies but it makes it difficult. Especially since there is always so much to do.
I have been cleaning out beds and putting in winter vegetables. This is the back bed and I got lettuce, kale, cabbage, chard, broccoli, rosemary, and lavender in.
The front bed has gotten broccoli, kale, and cabbage. I need to clean out more weeds and sweet potatoes because I have broccoli to put in. One step at a time. I enjoy this greatly but it does not help my breathing at all!
There was the day I made four loaves of bread because Russell had a store potluck. I baked for my work's end of year potluck.
I am taking every chance I can to spin. I am making hats for Christmas and I really wish to use the yarn that I have spun. It is very peaceful and centering.
Russell has been working on the roof. It is hard to see in any of the pictures but there is cob half way around to the roof. This is such a lovely space. I thought about sitting in here this afternoon but there were too many tasks and I was feeling like poo. Maybe this weekend.
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