Trying to find balance

I know I have only been back in Texas for two days but it has been difficult. I was enjoying the autumn weather of home. I was able to wear a sweater and a shawl at the same time. It was one of my favorite combinations: a ratty cashmere cardigan and a quivit shawl. I know it does not sound like it should be enough but quivit is WARM!
Work has been good as far as being work. But it is not working at home. Someday, yes?
I started the day this way. I lit the oil lamps I had made and got to stitching.
I finished another 1911 top and two nine squares. I am trying to make a nine square a day and put it in a quilt. Somehow, I do not think this will happen.
Did you know that a circle with a radius of 7.97 feet will give you a circle of approximately 200 square feet? I am playing with ideas for homes and out buildings even though I am trying not to hope too hard. No word yet.
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