Entries in weaving (8)


feeling fuzzy

I got home from work yesterday with a migraine.  My head hurt so bad that I feel asleep early and have felt fuzzy all day today.  It is why I did not write last night.  If I had written, you would have wondered what I meant!

I did get some weaving done.  It was frustrating because the upper selvage edge broke and my warp came loose.  I almost took my weaving down and made a placemat of it but I decided to keep going.  I fixed the warp so it is functional but not right.  I got another 1/2 inch woven today after working in the garden.  I will finish it.  I just need to make many mistakes on this weaving so the next one will be better.

I did get more scrubby cloths crocheted while we were watching Pie in the Sky.  I am using a heavy cotton string.  They are very stiff and hopefully will work well doing dishes.  Maybe they will hold up better then the ones I have already made.

If I feel better tomorrow, I will type out another ice cream recipe.  My head is still hurting.



I am healing.  I did not have much energy today but I wove until I needed to change colors which is very exciting.  Small steps.  It is like dealing with the aches and pains from the fall.  Small steps.  I will heal.  I just have to give myself the time to.  Which is frustrating.  I went to a massage therapist tonight who worked on the aches from the fall but also on my arthritic conditions.  I will not be surprised if I can barely move tomorrow.  But what comes may, I will be healing.  He told me I need to work more on my posture.  I find it is hard to do this while weaving.  More learnings going on.  Not just about weaving!



quiet week

It has been a quiet week.  Between my being ill, my Beloved working many too many hours, and work just being busy, extra energy has been hard to find.  I find I work on the quiet things then.  Like nine squares.  I have a hundred done now.  I am making a baby quilt for a little boy due at the end of March.  The piecing of the squares is a good indication of where my energy was most of the week.

I am also making slow progress on my weaving.  It helps that the floor is not so cold.  But it is strange that the weather was in the mid twenties last week and today it was above seventy five.  It is just difficult to adjust too.  Weaving is also just the level of energy I have.  I sit until I need to move.  I will get to change colors again soon and that is always exciting.



Another thing I did this last weekend was weave.  A lot.  My Beloved commented on how long I was able to sit and weave.  Part of it was that I have gained some endurance.  Part of it was that I am learning and that is always exciting.  Part of it wast that I got to change colors which always puts a smile on my face.

Part of it was that I had to pay attention and I could not worry as hard.  My Grandmother fell last week.  She is 99 and 3/4.  We are planning her 100th birthday party and she broke her hip at a friends home last week.  A silly little fall.  Talk about me being worried though.  And my tall short person!  Worried!  Her Grandmother and Grandfather and Mother are supposed to live for eternity, doncha know!  I get threatened!  It puts a smile on my face to be that well loved after all the tribulations but she comes by her worry honestly.  I worry.  I worry well.  This weaving and the sock from yesterday were worry beads.  They kept my hands busy and because I was learning, I was able to pay attention to something other then my worries.  As the tall short person said, I have never prayed so hard unless the Beloved or the Tall Short person are in the hospital.  The sock and the weaving hold my prayers.  I become like Grandmother Spider and weave my prayers into the cloth I am making.  

My type of worry beads.  And the prayers were answered.  Surgery went well.  My Grandmother was sitting and standing this last weekend.  Her daughters were going to find a rehab facility they were happy with.  Best not to get in the way of those three, especially when it comes to their Mother.  She should be moved today or tomorrow.  It is supposedly close to a frozen custard place that she likes.  What a way to make a smile!

It does not mean my hands are any less still.  Just the prayers are not so adamant.  Quieter prayers.  Because I can be quieter.  Peace.  Healing.  Love.  Balance.  Joy.  Every day prayers.  What a better way to pray then to bind prayers into something your loved ones will use?


finding some peace

The last couple weeks have been difficult  And then my Grandmother fell.  She broke her hip and had to have a partial hip replacement last night.  It was just not an extra stress I needed.  When I feel that way, a pot of tea and weaving after work helps.  My Beloved joined me on the floor to chat and feed me roasted broccoli from the garden.  He likes to watch me and noticed I am getting faster.  He asks me questions about the pattern and colors.  I am always so excited when I can change color.  The measurements are so exact!  The number of fingers.  Four, three, two, three, four.  

He even likes he waves because I am having trouble with tension.  Learnings.  This rug will never be perfect but I have learned a lot.  I learn more every day.  The next one will be better because I think there will always be another one.  And I have a yearning for a dye bath and white sheets to see what that would make.  

Peace is breathing one day at a time.  One minute at a time.  And doing that next task.  Very much a blessing.