simple things

I crochet every day. I try to sew every day and spin every day as well but crochet usually is a given. I have tried every style of hook. Metal, plastic, wood, bone. I like metal. A well finished wooden hook is a thing of beauty.
I have really liked to come to like Furls hooks. They are nicely ergonomic. I like the pewter hook and I have one of their wooden ones I really like. I do not like the wooden hook pictured on the right very much at all. The finishing is not as nice as I would have liked. Especially for the price. I put it in my Etsy shop for sale until I get a chance to give it some TLC. When the TLC is applied, I may regift it. That is how much I do not like it. I will not regift it until some sanding and possibly buffing is done.
The pewter hooks I purchased from Furls were very nice. At least the hook part was. The handle was plastic. The fit and finish from the handle to the hook always left a little bit to be desired. Especially with how many people I have in my life who make things and put handles on tools. Then I chipped one handle and one handle came off a hook.
The boyos of Serenity Knives rehandled them for me. Honestly, it would have been less expensive to buy a new hook. But then all of the hook would have hit a landfill. Hooks that are not bone do not usually break on me. I would have still had the same fit and finish problem. The fit and finish on these two hooks is now much better then the original. I can see me using these hooks until my hands do not work well enough to crochet any more.
The hook on the bottom of the picture is a mystery wood. The top hook's handle is king wood. They are both lovely. The king wood hook was finished for me first so that is the one I have been using. It is a wonderful hook now. I have no complaints.
Next handle that breaks, getting it rehandled. It appears to be how I get paid by those boyos for food and errand running. But I do not complain at all!