Entries in quilt (134)


on to the next

Quilt is done.  Blues.  I really like it.  I knew I liked the fabric but you never know how it will all work together.

I even like the back!

I caught a cold and am feeling pretty bleah.  My main goal today is to see if I can find some dried elderberries to make elderberry cordial.  My best friend swears buy it for keeping colds at bay during the winter.  And since she makes films and there is never ANY down time, I will trust her.  I keep thinking I should plant some edible elderberry on the mountain.  There is inedible elderberry there.

There is another quilt to lay out.  The Tall Short Person needs a new one after thirty years.  She has changed a lot and deserves a quilted hug that more reflect who she is.  Maybe there will be energy to crawl around the floor later.


with the help of laughter

The quilt top I was working on got basted and quilted on in record time.  I have to admit that part of that was due to me laughing.  I checked out Big Bang Theory from the library.  Laughing at the science jokes made this go much faster then normal.  And I did not have help from small hands.

This week has been fairly stressful at work.  I hope to bind this quilt off this weekend.  I may try to head to the beach tomorrow with a board if there are no thunderstorms.  Cook at the beach.  Drink tea.  Surf.  Sounds like great stress relief is there is actually surf.  I might head out anyhow.  I just need a break.  

Time for hand stitching and laughter.  I checked out the first season of Big Bang Theory from the library yesterday.  So I go them in the wrong order!  I still get to watch them.  Makes me smile.


back is ready to go

The back for the quilt is done.  I really the fabrics in it.  Part of them came from Ragfinery which means that they are second hand and I bought them by the pound.  The other bits come from a very cool packet of fabrics from another quilt store in Bellingham.  I really like how it turned out.  Now for basting, quilting, and binding.

It is hot here.  I got back from walking and just feel like I cannot get enough water.  The air smelt burnt.  I know it is that time of year but this is the first year in a long time that I have tried walking.  Before, I was in an ice rink.  It was a tad cooler.


blues and creams

I got another nine square quilt laid out.  It was made with a pile of half yards from a quilt store in Bellingham.  Now if I could just remember its name.  I can remember how to get there which is really what counts.  Two Thimble Quilt Shop.  That is what it is.  I looked it up.

I am pleased.

I have to admit that I have recipes to share but no words or concentration.  I think the stress at work is catching up with me.  Plus there was company tonight and there will be company tomorrow night.  I just want to be a hermit.  Quiet.  Less motion.  Unless of course I am riding a board or traveling.  Have tent and kettle, will travel.

I will have quiet next week.  Maybe more words too!



The nine squares I am working on from one of the piles of fabric I bought recently are coming together nicely.  I am trying to sew a few everyday, even when I am under the weather.  I think stopping the traveling and the stress from work is getting to me.  I am on a huge project at work which does not seem to have any possibility of success.  It brings along stress.

I went through some of the other fabrics that I purchased at Ragfinery and come up with what I think may be a complete quilt.  It is very exciting.  Especially since I had a sewing failure  this weekend.  I will write about it in another post.  There were great learnings there.

I practiced with a few line drawings of mountains at lunch today.  I am trying to think if I could translate those into quilts.  Possible.  I will need to practice more.  Always something else for me.  I do just want a bit of time at my wheel and machine this evening.  I will see if that happens!