Entries in quilt (134)


spending a lot of time quilting

It has been a wild and crazy week.  When I am at my sewing machine, I am seeing a lot of this!  I am trying to get two quilts done for next week.  One is a Christmas present and needs to be mailed.  The other is for the shop.  Plus, I have one more quilt that I am trying to get the top done and basted today so I can start the quilting on that!

I cannot say sitting here and quilting is a bad thing.  Koda Bear comes and helps treadle.  Or he cuts threads for me.  He is cutting shapes out of fabric scraps.  We work maths.  He cuddles into me and we talk or he plays.  We read, both on my phone for e-books (because then he is just like everyone else) or hardcopy books.  It is a good space.  He likes me working here.  Except for missing dropping me off to work occasionally.  He misses adventures with doughnuts.  Who can blame the Bear?

It has also been a busy week due to just the season.  More people reaching out.  More people wanting to see each other.  Most of the year, I can easily be a hermit.  Not this time of year.  I also have a friend who I am checking on who had a hip replacement the day before Thanksgiving.  Even though her Mom and Sister are here, it does not mean I do not wish to check.  I took a kugelhopf over there late this week.  

It is so easy to be a hermit because friends and loved ones are spread across the world anymore.  But that is life.  I can still sigh.


this week. . .

Feels like it is going to be all about quilts.  And baking old recipes for gifts.  I am making a yeasted "cake" for me and making an extra for a friend that I will be seeing later this week.

I actually had help with the basting of this quilt.  Koda Bear.  Help is always interesting because no matter who helps, I have a lot of adjusting to do when I am actually working on the quilting.  But when Koda Bear is not putting safety pins in the quilt he is handing me opened ones.  That is such a help!  

Have three total quilts I need to work on this week.  It will be interesting to see what happens in the rest of the week.  Maybe the sun will come out and I will actually get a bit of walk.  I need to be better at self care.  Once I get started in the morning, it is hard for me to stop!

Now, off to moving.


another quilt back

Between now and Christmas, there may not be that many new ideas.  But there is sure going to be a lot going in my life.  I took the time to work on the Tall Short Person's quilt back.  The front is all nature and bone daddy themed.  The back is about mermaids and ocean.

And a hug.  When the Tall Short Person was talking awhile back about a quilt as a physical hug, this came into being.  I knew about that center panel.  I had picked one up on our Alaska travels.  It is called hug.  I thought it was fitting.  I finally took the time to put the back together.

Now, there is how much more to do for Christmas?  I am actually notorious for sending out late gifts.  Always hand made.  I have also felt it can be a nice touch.  January and February can be such a downer after the celebrations of Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Especially for those who are alone, single, or just a few friends.  People feel forgotten early in the new year.  It is one way to say you are not forgotten.  February can be a very difficult month.


sew scary

I took time on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday to work on a quilt for myself.  Maybe a wall hanging is a better statement.  It is similar to the Hallows quilt I made for the Tall Short Person but different.

The quilt is very light but I backed it with a piece of thrifted Christmas flannel.  If I decide to take it off the wall and use it as a blanket, it will be cozy.

It just spoke to me.  I used shadowy tree fabrics and ravens.  The panel is about tailoring.  Why would I not like it?  I did not follow the suggested fabrics or even execution.  And in some ways, I wish I would have changed it even more but that is life.  If the little bit that bothers me continues to bother me, I will make some embroidery bits that I can applique on.  Spiders and webs I think.

I do keep getting teased with it is "sooo scary."  Pun intended.  It just fits.  I have bought some tailoring books that I wish to read and there are tailoring classes I hope to take.  Hours in the day is the biggest issue currently.


neutral, kind of

I got another quilt laid out yesterday.  I have been working on market bags for the shop but I decided to work on a quilt yesterday.  Part of the reason is that I knocked my pile of nine squares over.  It means more quilts truly need to be made!  

I was very pleased with this in the pictures I took.  I find that taking the picture gives me a feel for how the quilt will turn out.  An art teacher friend pointed me in that direction.

I will be updating the shop today.  And on Etsy too.

I realized that I have not been posting recipes.  I have been making new things but it has been a lot of throw this and that into a pan and have something incredible come out!  There was a bit of leftover porterhouse in the refrigerator, so I decided to make tacos.  I sliced the meat and marinated it in lime juice.  Oil, smoked salt, black pepper, paprika, a pinch of chipolte, a pinch of ancho, olive oil, and agave hit the skillet.  After it was heated, I added the meat to warm and be seasoned.  On mjurstut with cabbages and Russian dressing.  Oh so good.  It made a horrible mess and all the mess was lovely.

Even my bread has been that way.  I have been making what is best classified as an Italian but I have been dumping water, olive oil, salt, and flour in the bowl with starter.  I add enough flour to make a soft dough and go from there.  Usually there is a bit of whole wheat.  A white whole wheat but it is a whole wheat.  I am going to have to figure that one out because family will want it I know.  

Writing down the recipe is sometimes the hard part.  I use so many of my own recipes and rift on them.  I get teased continuously.  For example, I have realized I like the caesar dressing heavier on the anchovies and less if no vinegar.  I try to make notes.  Even on my own blog but sometimes.  And then I get fussed at that it does not taste like mine.  But the shortbread.  Family and friends think it is just me on that one.