Entries in printing (20)



I printed myself stationary today.  I am so pleased.  Just simple cards but it is the style I like for when I write letters.  The trees are not necessarily perfect but they look like real trees!

Three colors.  I am so excited.  I just need envelopes now.

And to design more things that I can letterpress!


more printing

After I got home from the library, I spent my evening printing.  There were times that I felt like I was taking steps backwards.  But then I felt like I got moving forward.  There sure is a difference from having someone there to bounce off all your questions.  I did figure out I was using too much ink.  Once I got that bit figured out, life was much smoother.

I also had issues with my paper gauges not working very well after about 50 prints.  I am using soft sticky ones.  The sticky did not stay long enough so my paper started creeping underneath them.  Which meant I was not printing straight.  I jury rigged on paper gauge totally and I realized I had to be very careful with placing the paper on the other two.  Slowly meditative.

But I got some business cards out for my Mom.  She chose the light blue with a brown ink.  I did a few of each of the other papers because I could.  I thought she might like to see the difference with the other cards.  The paper is heavier as well so the the impression is deeper.  

I still have more printing to do but there is a bit of paper cutting to do and a Small Mister to watch.  Saturday may be the next chance I get.  I was thinking baking bread tomorrow and scattering flour all over the kitchen with Small Mister might be fun!


another old thing to my collection

I went to the Texas Art Asylum with my Beloved a few weeks ago.  He picks up cigar boxes to put the steak knives he makes in.  I always wander when we are in there and look at things because you will never know what you will find.  Well, I walked right over to this lovely old typewriter first thing.  I walked out without it because what would I do with it!  It stayed in my mind and I went back a week later and bought it.  I am so glad I did. 

They said it was working but it really needed some tender loving care.  I took it to this old gentleman who this his thing.  He fixes old office equipment especially old typewriters.  He told me that the cops should be after me because i stole this typewriter for what I paid for it.

But he worked his magic.  It types well.  In both black and red.  The case is even in good shape.  He told me to research how to refurbish it because it was just soaking up all the oils he was putting on it.  Another task to work on. 

I really do not know what I will use this for.  Maybe just a lovely tool to have in my print shop.  Or maybe to write letters on when my hands hurt.  The keys are easier on them then holding a pen and my hands are not happy with most of the time right now.  More fish oil!  Because I do not want my Doc to be right in the long run.  I always hope that blood test comes back negative.


the printing plates are here!

I was walking out the door to skating and realized there was a package on my work bench.  My Beloved had put it there when he brought in his steel.  It was from my plate makers for the letterpress.

I have most of what I need to print now!  I am going to find some time this weekend and start.  I have to admit that I am very excited even though that was not the plans for the weekend.  But I thought my plates were not going to be here!


a letterpress

Today we had another cookie decorating party.  We had a small turn out because everyone has been busy!  We were lucky to get it done this month.  I even tried a new gluten free cookie recipe but the one person who would have really wanted it has been sick and did not come.  Next time maybe.  Then I can tell you how it worked.  There was a large pot of potato soup and a large basket of rolls.  It made it very good.

I bought myself a letterpress.  My friend Ed found it on craigslist.  He knows what I like.  I went and looked at it and it came home with me.  With more then was in the ad.  I still have bits and pieces to buy to make a print but I am part way there.  I am very quietly excited.  I will be more excited when I have bits and pieces and print something.  

Now, I need that drum carder!  Then my current need for tools is satisfied.