Entries in life (391)


hill junkie

This was what I was doing yesterday instead of writing.  Learning to skateboard.

I bought the Tall Short Person some early birthday presents.  We are both really hard to buy for.  My solution is to get an idea and have her there for the purchase.  Or she has picked everything out on a website.  She was saying that she really wanted to try a short (surf) board after we went surfing this weekend.  All ours are long boards.  

We went shopping.  One of the few things I like shopping for are boards.  Well, we now have a new type of board in our lives.  She found a skateboard that she liked.  So she got a birthday present.  The bad thing was that I tried it.  And realized that I really  like it.  

This is my board.  It is meant for cruising.  Yes, I have all the gear.  My Beloved teased me one our long ride yesterday that I am a hill junkie.  I love gentle slopes that I can carve on.  I am not very good.  I wobble.  I do not go very fast.  But it makes me smile so big!  If I cannot surf, skate boarding is a close second.  

Yeah, I am a crazy grandmomma.  But is life not for adventures and joy?


no thread

I was working on this quilt Sunday morning.  Quilting.  When I ran out of bobbin thread.  As I filled the bobbins, I ran out of white thread.  I had no more white thread in the house so I went to the fabric store.  It was a good thing I had coupons because I took my Beloved with me.  He is getting a purple kilt out of that trip!

But the funniest piece of the whole day, was that when I told the Tall Short Person I ran out of thread, the look on her face!  How can Momma run out of thread?????  I did not specify white thread.  I just said thread.  She knows I have a whole drawer full so her head just could not get around there was no thread.  I laughed so hard.

I think that explains a lot about my life.  Just like I got a skateboard.  I will probably skate like I surf, not well but loving every minute of it.  I was thinking it would be a lovely way to get to work once the bike path is complete.  Grandma on a skateboard (incredibly BIG grin)!



gone surfing!

There was surf on Saturday.  Our mild winter meant there was not a lot of storms, which means there was not a lot of surf.  I love my boat but sometimes the only thing that chills out life is surfing.

I usually smile this big all the time.  It has been a while and the last time I got dumped more then I surfed.  But I stood up!  I also had a few rides that I did on my tummy just because.  I actually dropped a couple times on thigh surf. 

It was a good day.  Sometimes, that is all it takes.


my life

I was on Facebook the other day and I realized that my last six updates had been about bread.  I do believe this is what my life revolves around currently.  Not a bad thing.  I does make me smile.


letterpress printing

On Saturday, I took a letterpress printing class at the Museum of Printing History.  At the beginning of the class, I felt a bit over my head.  I was the only one in the class who was not a graphic designer or had more experience then I had.  i really have not had much other then just my love of paper.

But, once I got into the guts of it, I really enjoyed it.  Even though it is very technical, there is a feel to it like any other art.  Give it a bit.  Be gentle.  Take a breath.

This is really growing on me.  I still would like some graphics.  Colors.  I know from now on, I will never buy any stationary.  I will make my own business cards and maybe everything else.  I cannot wait until my next class which who knows when that will be!