Entries in life (391)



Today was a crummy day at work.  Just frustrating.  I came home and it seemed really loud.  Which my head did not really deal well with.  Everyone then left to go look at toys.  I drank a pot of tea.  I put a backpack on my back and took my skateboard to the library.  

By the time I got there, a gentleman commented that I looked very content.  The fresh air, the ride, all seemed to relax me and put me in a place of contentment.  I picked up a pile of books and then road home.  I got to hit the hill on the way home.  I am such a hill junkie.  There was no surf today.  Or if there was, I could not get to it.  But by the time my family got home, riding on my board relaxed me enough to be a good part of the family.  

And do you know how many people smile at me on my board?  It may just be the dress!


small chores

Last night I spent the evening watching videos with my Beloved, a bit of wine, and crocheting.  It seems to be how we like to end the week since we have a tendency to run so hard.  It does mean this shawl is half done and soon I will be on the last skein of yarn.

Today has been a day of small chores.  Those chores that make life easier.  Some dishes are done.  The floors are swept.  The bed is made.  I spent a hour in the garden today.  The picture is one of the reasons why.  15 pumpkins so far and counting.  I am starting to get my garden ready for the autumn and winter already.  We have had so much rain this week that the weeds are taking over the world.  It is so much different then last year.  But instead of heat, the humidity is what determines how long I can work.  Today was a hour.  I find that is about what I can do if I wish to do anything else during the day.

Small Mister helped me knead this pizza dough this morning.  That was actually before the garden.  When he realized that he was actually going to get to HELP Grandmomma with the dough, he was excited.  His Momma held him and he helped.  It was very cool.

I have actually had a few minutes to card wool recently.  I do not know how that has happened but both yesterday and today.  I may see another shawl and hat in my future!  Mittens too maybe?  We will see.

It will continue to be a day of small chores, family, and, hopefully, a bit more tea.  It is a good day.


do not do this at home!

I did something very strange today.  I was having lunch with Mister and My Beloved and my should popped loud enough for My Beloved to hear it while he was driving.  I was in the back seat with Mister.  It meant that my shoulder has ached since.  I took some aspirn and fell asleep in the middle of the floor and my family.  They were talking jetskis and motorcycles.  I was listening to the tiny pops in my shoulder.  But I had Mister this afternoon by myself and I need to go to multiple grocery stores.  With a bum shoulder.

I had taken a sling apart because it was a layer of percale and flannel.  Much too hot for Mister in spring and summer.  I sewed the percale pieces back together.  Mister is a gearhead though.  I am so glad that I have a treadle sewing machine because he wanted to SEE!  The treadle was moving when I took this picture.  It was moving slowly but moving.

Small Mister wanted to be on my lap to see and touch!

I finally got him to kick back and sit in my lap to finish the sling.  But he never stopped moving.  I am SO glad my machine is a treadle!

And in the end, I had a sling that worked.  A bum shoulder and a small person were doable in three grocery stores.  Small Mister really decided he liked the orange thread.

I would not recommend doing this at home though!


Happy Belated Fourth

I was still under the weather yesterday but we spent the 4th of July with friends at their lake house.

There was a lot of water play.

A bit of rowing.  I had fun with the wakes from anything that had a motor.

There was a bit of fixing because part of my family became wild and crazy yahoos.  (That is a quote).  Now they want their own jetski.  One thinks it is more fun then skydiving.  The other say it is quite possibly better then skydiving.  A bit safer it is.

We had shade on the beach and on the dock.  Our dogs and the neighbors.  And one small boy.  He loved it all!

There was even a bit of rain.  But it really was not a good soaking rain for the woods.  There is a garden deep in the woods that I am helping to save seeds for.

A bit of dinner.  A glass of wine.  Fireworks on the other shore.  It was a lovely day and when I walked into our house,  I dropped into bed.  There was work today.


under the weather

I am hoping it is just allergies and not a summer cold, but I am under the weather.  This evening has been about my rocking chair, a book, tea, and my crochetting.  I can crochet and read at the same time.  At least this way, my shawl grows. 

Tomorrow, we are spending the day with friends in a small town.  It should be a long lovely day and I may be very tired at the end of it.  But that is spending time with friends.  That makes me smile.