being thankful

Today is Thanksgiving. American Thanksgiving as one of my friends says! But it is a day to remember what there is in your life to be thankful for.
I am thankful for my beloved. He likes having adventures and learning new things. It makes my life pretty terrific.
My short person who is no longer very short. Her Poppa calls her little one but she is taller then me! I am thankful that she lives in our backyard apartment. I like having her close.
I am thankful for the ability and means to take care of my family. LIke this Sunday's counter where I fill the freezer and bake bread so there is food in our tummies.
I am thankful for the house that my beloved is building us. I help but then do silly things like fall off the wall. I am going to do the plastering. Makes me smile.
Just a bit more of the roof to do then it is just the finishings.
I have so many more things to be thankful for but these are the big ones. I hope you have as many blessings in your life and a lovely Thanksgiving.