Entries in embroidery (7)


creative collaboration

I sent off a quilt square for an artistic collaboration this week.  I am not sure if it will be used or not but I did learn a lot.  I do find that I design simply.  Which is why I am not sure it will be used or not.

I will have to say that it was a learning process.  Just the history that was involved in the project made me think.  We like to pretend we are learning and going forward as a society.  But I would have to say that the history the project was based on eye opening.  Not much has changed.

I am having putting words together.  Maybe I will finish more things this coming week!


few words

My Beloved and myself are fighting snotty noses and hurting heads.  I feel like words do not go together very easily right now.  Most of my energy was spent at work today.  But in the time of quiet and between bits of sleep, this is what I am working on.  To tell you how random my head is, I was thinking about embroidering lace today.  I may have to try it.


simple day of tasks

It has been a simple day of tasks.  I got half of the molasses crinckles I need to bake made.  I ran out of energy and brown sugar.  The brown sugar is fixable but the energy is not.  My Tall Short Person is a bit snotty and fighting not to get the crud.  She made the comment that Mommas cannot be sick because the short people depend on them.  I said I understood.

I did get a white linen nightgown done for my best friend.  I am going to add an embroideried mandala to it in white.  That way, if she wish to wear it to Tantric meditation, she can.  But it is a little thin, so I would hope she would wear something underneath.


more baking going on here

More cookie baking is going on around here.

I still have at least one more type if not more.  Today was sables.  I actually updated the recipe a little bit.  I shortenend the baking time.  See those cookies on the edge.  It is just not the picture but they are a little bit overbaked.  I guess they are for me then.

Yesterday I was rather under the weather.  My head hurt so bad there were no words.  I sat and worked on this present.  I was doing the embroidery.  I love embroidery but I am not very good at the designs.  But Miss Ray is who wrote Doodle Stitching.  I slightly modified one of her designs for this nightgown.

I hope it is liked!

Obviously, I am feeling better and there are more words today.  Maybe I can start baking some of the cookies I wish to bake.  Mostly chocolate and gluten free soon to come.


boxes are away

The baking is all done for my family.

Which means I had a few items to finish.  Like embroidering a nightgown and finishing making it.

I find this extremely relaxing and try to think of other things to make.  I really like pillowcases and I have ideas for more.  Embroidery cottons and silks are inexpensive and the projects have a tendency to be very portable.

This nightgown got finished and wrapped as well as everything else to be posted.

My beloved was most helpful putting cookies and scones into packages.  Packages into boxes.  And lots of tape!  We got it all mailed just not early enough.  A bit of anemia was a road block on this end.  I still have bunches for the home folks.