Entries in crochet (143)


Tunisian crochet

I crochet.  I do not knit very well and when I do I concentrate on socks but I crochet a lot.  The Purl Soho blog put up a tutorial on Tunisian crochet and I decided to give it a try.  They, of course, suggest fancy yarns.  I picked up some cheap cotton from Joann's.  I did try making a washcloth.  

I would say that I it was not hard.  I would need some new hooks if I to make something bigger.  It is an odd fabric to me but then I have been crocheting for many years.  If I find a pattern I might like to try, I think I would go for it.  But currently, wash cloths are fine.

Our computer is giving us fits.  I may or may not be back on tomorrow.  I hope I got everything backed up because I have put about six hours into design over the last few days.  I am waiting on okays.  Small steps forward and soon my letterpress will be used.  


shawl for a friend

I finished a shaw for a friend this week.  It is the project I had at work.  I have a tendency to have lunch of a book, a crochet hook, and a peanut butter sandwich.  Life is pretty good.

I get to deliver this a week from tomorrow.  I hope she likes it!


faerie afghan done

I think I mentioned that the Tall Short Person, aka, Faerie, felted the wool baby blanket that I crocheted for Small Mister.  I made her another.  She chose the color and is happy with it.  It is the blanket she uses on the couch to watch videos or read under.

I got to looking at the felted blanket and now have many too many ideas for uses.  I may create some more out of extra yarn I have around the house and felt the blankets on purpose.  One of the purposes was to have lovely felted wool for a winter coat for Small Mister for next year.

Those thoughts did mean I put bits and pieces together plus a few skeins and have started another afghan.  This is going to be granny square based and is ideal for all the leftover bits I have.  I was surprised, and should not have been, on how well all the colors go together.  It will be interesting when it is finished.  Making a granny square afghan is a lot like making a nine square quilt.


my watching movies during winter project

Love the title of the post?  This afghan is actually that.  During the winter, I have been working on it when we watch movie.  I have covered myself and my Beloved up with it as I crocheted a row when it has been chilly or the air conditioner has been on too high.  It is finally done.  

I had made one for us originally and the decision was made that it was too small.  Our best friend has it.  She was admiring it while we were having lunch in a park and since I was going to make another one, I just gave it to her.  She has a tendency to find it covering co-workers when they are taking a break.  Or get told to move it out of the shot.  It goes everywhere with her.

This one will end up in one of the trucks.  Which means I really need to make another one for the other truck.  Or it may stay on our bed.  It is the perfect size for our bed and adds a nice bit of warmth.  Which does mean I need to start more crocheting of afghans during our winter movies!


the story of my life

I finally got some clear space on my to do chalkboard.  I decided to put a list of food requests on the board because I get told "We should have (insert) soon."  I figured this was the best way.  Notice the PIE(S)?  My Beloved wrote that there.  It means only one type:  shepherd.  I guess I am making more shepherd's pie soon!

So this blanket wrapped around Small Mister (who is 14 months old now) ended up in the washer and dryer.  The Tall Short Person was very upset because she actually uses it to wrap around her while she is on her couch.  

I had her pick the yarn, ordered it, and I started another for her today.  It travels well in my backpack for working on during lunch.  

I do have uses for the felted blanket.  Just too many!  Really, this is my life.