Entries in quilting (37)


time at my sewing machine

Once the Small Mister and I basted the quilt, it was time to stitch.  I have to admit that I just really need the time at my machine.  The Small Mister is going back to the Tall Short Person next week.  The time at the machine helps with the sad. 

I am glad we are going to the mountain.


"another one?"

The Small Mister and I pinned a quilt for quilting this evening.  He kept asking me, "another one?"  He then would hand me a safety pin.  Or more then a safety pin.  I thought I was going to have some quiet time because the boyos have been doing motorbikes all day.  I thought they would continue or crash into a puddle of exhausted boys.  Neither happened.  I had a lot of help.

But, we are ready for quilting.  How much I get done this weekend will completely be dependent on if there is surf this weekend.  At one point, there was chest high waves forecasted.  I can hope.


quilting done

The quilting is done on the quilt I have been working on.  Since my energy level is so low, the idea of stitching bindings on is good.  My Beloved got into poison ivy again and we both seem to be fighting a bug.  We both need much more sleep.  Small Mister really does not allow that so we do the best we can.  There is not a lot of energy for extras.  That includes being creative at times.  The idea of putting binding on is about where my creativity currently sits.


all done!

The quilting is finished!  I still sound like a bowl of rice krispies but it is finished.  I am finding strengthening and stretching is helping my shoulders to heal but I am not always the best about.  And the next step of the quilt, putting the binding on, requires more manhandling.  It is at least smaller now.  


ice day

I had a day this last week that the office was closed due to ice.  There was ice and it hit the outer parts of town much harder then where we lived.  I would not have wanted to be on my bicycle in it. 

With the office closed, Small Mister and I basted a quilt.  My shoulder is still giving me some grief.  Especially when I work on the stitching, but it is about taking it slow.  This was a slow process.  I am not really sure how much help Small Mister was.  I found a safety pin in a very odd place as I was sewing.  But it got done.  It was a nice use of my time not sitting at my desk.