
I have been playing with Japanese sashiko when I have been doing patching lately. I have needle and thread, bits of linen and one of my darning eggs. I sit and stitch.
My Beloved work pants always start to wear out on the legs somewhere. He is just hard on clothes. But not a fan of shopping, even if that is a thrift store. He gets the same upset whether it is a pair of thrift store pants that are ripping to shreds or a pair of concealed carry pants he spent much more on. This bit of mending is fun for me because I get to learn something new. He likes it because his pants last longer.
It did take me a little bit to figure it out though. The darning egg was the breakthrough! I have more pants to mend when they are clean. And that patch in the picture? It and the pants are the same color I noticed when I took dinner out to the shop and ate with the boyos. Knife makers make dirt. Knives are the by product.