Entries in life (391)


tough week

It has been a tough week.  Lots of emotions.  I think the emotions will be around for a long time but there will not be a funeral.  Or memorials. 

The Old Man was waked well.  There were stories and laughter.  Skates were put on for the first time in 20 years.  Or close.  But we are the Old Man's.  Which means we put on our skates.  Laugh that we cannot do anything and then someone tries the first spin.  Then it is all over.  I have the bruises to prove it.  I hit a rut and went down setting up for a one foot spin.  It took three days for the bruise on my bum to even color.  But it does not really hurt much to sit on anymore!  But did I just go around in circles after that?  That would be wise with not having skated in eighteen months, yes?  Not if your one of the Old Man's.  His statement would be:  again.  I am going to make myself cry just writing this.

It has been a week of lots of visiting and people.  Not as much drama as could have been expected but there was stress.  I have ended up with an ear infection and cold.  I chose to take care of it by sleeping a lot instead of drugs and pushing through.  I think it was the correct decision.

I am off to see more people today.  I made the brownies for dinner tonight.  It is a Kraft corporation recipe but everyone seems to love it.  A good throw down dinner addition. I will put an enchilada casserole together to take with us as well.  There will be laughter, walks on the beach, food, adult beverages.  A nice change from an emotional week.  Maybe I will actually get something finished to show here!


trying to be sensible

I have been doing a lot of hand sewing this week.  Not very exciting when it comes to pictures.  It is for a new to me dress so there will be pictures when it is done but I am doing and embroidery stitch for the hems.  It takes time.  It has been a good place to let thoughts come and go.  And talk people down from emotional highs and lows.  

I have never helped with funeral arrangements before.  This has been interesting.  I have come to a place in my life where I try very had not to create drama or deal with drama in my life.  Having a significant person die alone creates drama for many people.  I feel like every one should do there best in this situation.  Sometimes your best is just letting go.  Because this involves the ice skating community, not going to happen.  Emotionally, I am tired.

I have been having problems walking this week.  The heel bruise I have became much more painful when I had to wear more dress like shoes.  It had been suggested to me that I could try a new pair of shoes with more padding.  It is where I spent my morning.  Trying on shoes.  Everything I put on my feet felt better then what I was wearing.  I

had a few conversations while I was shopping.  The outdoor store I went to had people working there who have actually used a lot of products.  I got into conversations about how far I walk, about how far I have walked since June.  I realized I should have probably replaced these shoes last June.  I just hope there is healing that goes on now.  I did do the sensible thing and bought more then one pair so I can rotate.  I have about a week before I know I have to wear a more dressy shoe.  I am pushing for healing.


time to put it in a box

I finished this dress yesterday.  It is just a simple A-line t-shirt dress.  I did use an embroidery stitch around all the hems which will allow for a bit more stretch.  I am going to mail it off to my best friend tomorrow.  In a box it goes.

I am making something similar for myself and will be working on those hems as well.  I put pockets in mine and I will have to see how well those work before I finish anything.  Maybe, I will also get some time just to sew.  That would be nice.

I liked how this picture turned out so I thought I would share it.  It is something that ended up on my Instagram account.  I needed to walk badly this morning but knew it would only happen if I got up early.  So I was out before the sun rose.  It made for a pretty picture.  I would say it was a quieter walk then usual but that is okay.  It made having to talk non-stop for three hours this morning much more bearable.


sour cream raisin pie

I got boxes out before Christmas.  The only two boxes that will go out but they are out.  Any other boxes will go out after the holidays.

Baking has been interesting this year.  I used flour that was milled within a week of baking and the moisture content has changed the amount of flour I have needed in a couple of recipes.  The boyos are not complaining about the rejects.  I am told that rejects need to happen more often.

I decided to test my sour cream raisin pie recipe with brown sugar.  I will be seeing my Dad next week for Christmas and am thinking that a pie will be his birthday/Christmas present.  Or maybe I will make him two.  But I wished to test it with brown sugar instead of white.  Going for more of the pecan pie feel then buttermilk pie feel.

It was rather an easy mix up.  And can I say that gluten free has changed a lot in the last ten years!  One of the boyos needs not to eat gluten.  Not celiac but something close.  I went to the store looking for all my normal bags of having to mix it myself.  But Bob's Red Mill had a Paleo bag mix that was very similar to something I would have mixed in the past.  I made my life easy.

So I made a gluten free crust.  Dusted the raisins with the same mix so they would not drop to the bottom of the pie so easily.  I baked it.  That is how easy it was to make this pie gluten free.   I am just a little worried because there has been so much wheat flour flying around my kitchen all week.  It is heritage and freshly milled but everybody has different tolerances.  I will keep my fingers crossed.

The boyos called it a success.  It is so old fashioned that I worry a bit that modern palates will not like it but so far it has been a success.  All the men I know seem to like it.  I will make one for my Dad when I get to his house next week.  Or, actually, the day after Christmas so I bake him another if he wishes.  

It will be interesting to be at my parents' with my siblings for a week.  This could get interesting!


parts are coming

Yesterday did not go as planned.  I spent about six hours on troubleshooting the boyos sewing machine that sews leather.  I got pulled into it Thursday evening when a sheath was needed to be made but the machine would no longer pick up a stitch.  I have had a few more years experience with sewing machines then any of the boyos.

After the six hours.  After spending time on the phone with support, parts are in the mail.  I am hoping that they will fix the problem.  If not, the machine gets shipped for a different style of TLC.

Going into Thanksgiving week, my guess is that it will be a different week as well.  There is camping planned.  Koda Bear here.  Food but not traditional.  Boyos working on the Christmas rush.  There really is one, even if it is only knife sharpening.  I can see where they are going to train me soon as an extra pair of hands.

Off to quilting the fussy quilt.  It will be one of those things I can only show after Christmas.  But that is life this time of the year!