starting the winter garden
This weekend was about trying to get my winter garden started. I let my garden go during the heat of the summer. Last year, it meant there was not much to dig out. This year, we had rain. I am fighting weeds. But one spade full of dirt at a time and the work gets done. I know you cannot see this from the picture but it is a mud bath.
One of the things that I knew I needed to plant this time was flowers. I had not planted enough in the spring garden and I missed them. I had my Beloved pick up some mums while I was at work today. Yes, I know they will not last but I will enjoy the blooms. I also planted one bed with flower seeds. That is how much I missed my flowers.
I still have many beds to dig up. Hopefully, the rains will stay away long enough for me to get some actual work done. Maybe by this weekend I will have all the vegetable seeds in. I hope!