Entries in crochet (143)


A shrug

Last Thanksgiving, I was in Tolt Yarn and Wool with the family.  The Tall Short Person saw a picture of a knitted shrug she liked.  It was the Emma shrug by Carrie Hoge.  As I have said many times, I do not knit.

Carrie had done the shrug in a linen yarn.  It was not very soft so I went with an alpaca blend yarn.  It was a lace weight.  I found a stitch pattern for a wave type ribbon pattern that made an interesting fabric.  The same feel as what Carrie had knitted but very different.

I did buy the pattern so I could get all the measurements.  Even though I used a softer yarn which created a stretchier fabric, I went with those measurements.  The shrug fits across the Tall Short Person's back well.

I bought too much yarn so I have enough to make at least one more.  Maybe even two depending on the size of the person I am making it for.  How much yarn depends on the chest measurement.

I am thinking about making something similar for myself but out of a heavier yarn.  More like a sweater shrug.  I am doing smaller things for me so I can still put my hands into dough up to my elbows and not get my crocheted items doughy.  I find shawls fall in.  And the place between my shoulder blades get cold easily.  I usually have to sleep in sweater.


something that is finished!

I finished a forever shawl yesterday.  I had come across some Blue Sky Alpaca alpaca and silk blend on clearance last summer.  It felt so nice to the touch!  I decided to make a shawl out of the strange number of skeins I bought.  And I like having a forever shawl of some style in progress.  It is inspired by Ines Cruz who knits.  She knitted something similar from alpaca gifterd to her.  But knit gives a very different drape.  Though I will not undo this one!

Well, this one is done.  It is heavier then I would really like for the size it is but it is a comfort.  It is a comforting weight.  And so soft!  The colors are natural and I like how they all come together.

I have also been playing with the camera on my phone.  How do I take pictures of what I make when I do not ask for help.  The hands in this house are very busy and sometimes I do not chose to wait.  Someone will eventually take the picture but I have been having fun with the timer on my phone.

I do not currently have any more forever shawls in the works.  That is mostly due to having three sweaters and a dress that are being crocheted.  I also am working on a dress that is heavily embroidered.  And mending.  Never forget mending.  Mondays seem to be about mending.

Plus working on the display room for the boyos.  If I were to win the lottery, all I would "buy" myself would be a room with a lock on the door.  Or maybe a cabin with a lock?  A truck cabin with a lock?  The capabilities of making a cup of tea and having some quiet for making. 


changing my mind

I know months ago, maybe even a couple years ago at this point, I had crocheted myself a cream cardigan.  I like it.  Kind of.  It does not really fit correctly and I really need something less structured.  And I truly wanted something more lacy.  That is what I get for trying to reconstruct a thirty year old memory.

I had a couple skeins of that same yarn left, so I decided to start another cardigan in a different pattern.  Pretty but based off a granny square.  When I really wanted lacy.  It was not holding my interest as I was making it.  I think the directions were hard for me to get my head around, plus the granny square pattern. versus lace.  

I pulled out that start.  I still love the yarn but I really want lacy.  Since I have been playing with motifs, I decided why not.  The fabric of the motif is soft.  It will be lacy.  I can make the sweater more unstructured. 

It also travels better with me in this shape.  The boyos have plans for me which will require more portable projects.  After I do all the carpentry they are plotting.  The display room.  The truck cabin for sharpening.  Remodeling the kitchen.  The dining room shelves.  The.....  I was purchased tools.  The funny thing is a lot of times I do not have the physical strength in the upper body that they have but I get the projects done.

Saying that, I really need to finish my yarn box.  Blue's cradle got in the way.  Then Blue arrived.  Building a sweater this way also gives me chance to have quiet.  Meditate.  Quiet is very hard to come by.  Space is hard to come by.

Maybe I will have pictures of the finished yarn box soon as well as a sweater!  I have a dress to lay out as well.  Fabric on the way for fancy dress.  Life is always busy.


about the level of thought I am at

It has been a good week but there has been a lot of change.  The boyos are building out the shop to include a display room for knives.  The whole back yard and shop feel like a mess!  Wednesday felt incredibly overwheliming but it keeps getting a bit better each day.

I was thinking about writing about making English muffins but my brain has not words.  Instead, all I wish to do is sit and spin.  Or sit and crochet.  Forever shawls are about my speed currently because I do not have to think.  I have a sweater I am working on and there is a little more thought involved there.  But there are a few more stitches involved.

I have started to do some researching into dyeing yarn.  I would like the ability to take some of the white fleeces I have and make them something else.  I love the natural browns, blacks, and whites but lets be honest.  I am a bit of a klutz and white yarn will not stay white in any garmet I make!  Color is a good thing.

Off to more research and crochet!


a wool blanket for Blue

When Koda Bear was very small, I crocheted him a wool afghan that got used a lot.  The Tall Short Person still uses it a lot today.  Koda Bear not so much.  I make him many blankets and he runs warm.  Except for his hands.  Brr....

I decided Blue needed something similar but this time I used yarns I already had.  I used greys and blues and the theme.  All the yarns are either something I spun, leftover yarn from another project, or something I just had one skein of that color.  It turned out well.  I think it is actually bigger then Koda Bear's.

I am still trying to find balance with the newest small person in my life.  I have Grandma magic so I get handed him a lot.  And the weather has not been kind to my joints.  But I am feeling the need to quilt more.  My kitchen has three kinds of dough rising because of empty bellies and because my hands need dough.

On top of this, I get an industry call.  It is too far away for me to seriously consider.  Especially since I have a truck cabin to design for mobile sharpening.  The boyos need more hands.  I did not mind being back in an office but it was not a happy place.  I wish more happy places.

Maybe I can get my yarn box finished soon.  More yarn storage since I am trying to spin everyday.  I may need one for my projects in the truck cabin so I can have things with me.  I might have down time at a farmer's market.....