This has been a crazy week!
Tuesday, when I normally post, I was on the computer to do corporate work. I am going back into the corporate world for a short time. Dealing with the crazy from that this week, more then just Tuesday, makes me wonder if it is the right path. It is supposed to be a short contract and I can decide afterwards how much more I wish to do.
That same day, a cold front came through and I got chilled. Not a big deal unless you are like me and already had an ear infection. That floored me a bit. My thoughts have not been very straight until today. My energy has been extremely low.
I started to feel a bit better yesterday. But I still could not bring myself to work on the computer. I just wanted to sit and do quiet things. Until I went to the climbing gym and learned how to judge. It is a bit more straightforward then judging any form of ice skating. It was a national competition and I did not realize how big of a deal it was until I got on the internet afterwards and looked up some of the names and faces of people I saw climb. My impression was that is was a lot less back stabbing then ice skating! I would volunteer to judge in the future. It was very cool I was learning to judge on one of the harder problems (the bouldering climb).
So why did I title this post gratitude? Because I am leaving tomorrow to be with family for Thanksgiving. And celebrate my Dad's 90th birthday. The picture of the hands is just a small subset of the people I am grateful for in my life. Who support my crazy. The people in my life are very special and I do not take them for granted.
That is why it is so important to celebrate my Dad next week. I did find out that chocolate angel food cake is his favorite birthday cake. I always thought it had to be somebody else's. But then, I do not really like cake.
I will be back in this space after Thanksgiving. I will be entering the crazy of the corporate world again. That may take some adjustment so please forgive me if it is odd around here. I am going to try to continue coaching because I like it better then an office. And printing! And dyeing! And just creating and making.
Thank you for all who read my words. You are appreciated and I am grateful for you.