fiber tool junky
Tuesday, September 17, 2013 at 5:21PM
elizabeyta in spinning

In the Fairhaven neighborhood of Bellingham, there is this little art gallery of wooden things.  The lady behind the counter was knitting and I just had to ask her what she was making.  I am such a fiber junky.  It was sweater but she had this lovely yarn bowl that was holding her yarn.  I have seen yarn bowls before but they are usually pottery.  With me being a klutz and the Small Mister who wonders the house, no matter how beautiful, I could not justify a pottery yarn bowl.  This wooden bowl is fabulous.  My balls of yarn no longer wonder the room as I crochet.

They also had beautiful handmade Turkish drop spindles.  I walked away with two.  Both are small enough to put in a bag or backpack.  I had thought about bringing a drop spindle to the land with us but my favorites are just a bit big and then there is the fiber issue.  I have to admit that I had wished I brought fiber when these two lovelies came home with us.  But that enabler behind the counter sent fiber as padding with us

But did I use it as padding.  OH NO!  I spun in our woods.  After my work day today, I wish I was spinning in the woods now.  Or maybe digging the garden patch for next spring.  I felt like I kept stirring up bees.

I actually need to card more fiber.  I am spinning yarn for a sweater for my Beloved and I keep back a little bit to spin lace yarn on this little drop spindle for a shawl for me.  Maybe I should make socks.  I just need the drop spindle practice.

Article originally appeared on Panamint Handmade (
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