We went up to our land last week. It was a good week. We were really expecting rain but it was very sunny and dry. We got a lot of work done. And our small helper was in the thick of it!
The shed is done except a ramp to take up tools and a bit of hardware cloth.
We even got some of tools organized but we need to build a table and shelves.
We took down trees and I stacked wood. There was a reason we were clearing trees. We were getting the road ready.
For the Dump! It is a book Small Mister reads that has a blue truck and a Dump. He got to ride in the Dump at the mountain. We were clearing enough trees at the edge of the road so the Dump and his driver could dump three inches of gravel down the mountain.
We had a good time. Lots of work but I came back relaxed. My Beloved is planning his workshop. Soon we hope!