creme fraiche
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 at 9:18PM
elizabeyta in recipe

I admit to being one of those crazy people who makes the ingredients for the foods I am making.  Like I made a "cake" that called for creme fraiche.  I really want to start making cheeses but have not gotten any rennet yet but I decided that I would research creme fraiche to see if I could make it.  Easy peasey!  It is just one of those things that takes time and it is a fermentation.  Sometimes that seems like what my whole life revolves around:  yeasty beasties

creme fraiche

1 cup heavy whipping cream

2 tablespoons cultured buttermilk or yogurt

Mix together and let sit on the counter loosely covered for 12 hours.  Refrigerate.

It is lovely with fresh or frozen berries.  It was wonderful with the "cake" I made too.

Article originally appeared on Panamint Handmade (
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