simple day of tasks
Friday, December 16, 2011 at 8:56PM
elizabeyta in embroidery, sewing

It has been a simple day of tasks.  I got half of the molasses crinckles I need to bake made.  I ran out of energy and brown sugar.  The brown sugar is fixable but the energy is not.  My Tall Short Person is a bit snotty and fighting not to get the crud.  She made the comment that Mommas cannot be sick because the short people depend on them.  I said I understood.

I did get a white linen nightgown done for my best friend.  I am going to add an embroideried mandala to it in white.  That way, if she wish to wear it to Tantric meditation, she can.  But it is a little thin, so I would hope she would wear something underneath.

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