deconstructed ratatouille
Thursday, October 14, 2010 at 6:39PM
elizabeyta in recipe

We have eggplants.  With more eggplants to come!  I actually really enjoy ratatouille but I do not feel that I really have to follow the normal recipe.  This is my autumn style one.

I take some winter vegetables like potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, garlic, and eggplant.

I peel the potatoes and slice all the vegetables.  I roast them at 450 degrees Fahrenheit with a bit of olive oil and salt and pepper.  I give them a bit of a stir part of the way through.

You want golden bits through out.

Hours before I started a red sauce.  One can of whole tomatoes dumped into the crock pot.  Some onion.  Some garlic.  Some swiss chard that needed using.  Fresh basil from the garden.  Salt.  Pepper.  A little honey.  I put it on low and let is simmer away.

And then I whirred it.  That is the technical term in our house.  Makes me smile.

Now this is why it is called deconstructed.  Russell was hungry so instead of putting it in a casserole and layering the vegetables and sauce.  I made the roasted the vegetables on a plate and poured sauce over them.


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